Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another one from TrendCentral (presented by the intelligence group)


The brainchild of a journalist and a marketing whiz, My Urban Rabbit Hole is a new customizable t-shirt brand, community gathering, and celebration of local living all in one. At the tangible level, it is a t-shirt with a map of a city on it, but the concept goes far beyond silk screened cotton: individuals use permanent red fabric paint to plot five points on the map that have personal significance to them, telling their stories through urban geography. Turning the t-shirts into an experience unto themselves, the t-shirts can't just be purchased. The process of getting one's hands on the garment includes "a series of mysterious hoops, clues and trap doors," one element of which includes procuring a secret quickly-expiring password which is the only way to gain entrance to the website. Lucky recipients pick up their t-shirts at an invite-only, live participatory art event where they plot their personal reference points, and reflect and share their stories. Currently, the t-shirts are only available for lower Manhattan but there are plans for t-shirts for Berlin, Istanbul, Shanghai and Barcelona.

In today's global and mobile environment, young people are increasingly looking to forge a personal connection with their local communities through buying locally produced goods and participating in local clubs and events. More than that, local neighborhoods are also being recognized as a key contributing factor to the formation of personal identity. And with the growth of the visual mapping trend, expect even more products to use physical locations to help consumers document and share their stories.

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