Sunday, October 5, 2008

Are you consistent?

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

I think this quote helps explain what is working in our lives and what isn't. Simple or complex, the actions or words we repeatedly use - consciously and sometimes unconsciously - define our routine lives. To be great, we must do great things for our own spirit and for others. Unhealthy behaviors, relationships, words, and thoughts lead to an unhealthy spirit. To become the person we want to be, to make the impact we want to make, we must consistently do those things that help define that ultimate goal.

To be a loving person, we must consistently love ourselves and consistently express our love for others.

To be a good role model, we must consistently be true to ourselves and act out of integrity.

To get out of debt, we must consistently be responsible for our spending behavior and define our means and limits - and consistently live by those means and limits.

To be an inspiration, we must consistently look for inspiration.

Are you consistent? Fill in the blank: To be ___________, I must consistently _________.

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